

sorry staff Lichess but in addition to t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs etc ... that are sold on the site you might not even sell chess and chess boards designed by Lichess users or gives someone else chosen by the staff?

me not being an admin just putting my opinion out there, I think that this would not be a bad idea but the only issue I would see is that there is already too many chess companies selling the boards very cheaply and it would be very difficult for lichess to get their prices to a competitive price and also be worthwhile, still I think if that could be overcome it would be a great idea :)
you could also do this: users or the Lichess staff could draw various chess pieces and then you want to buy might choose the pieces that he likes. Rather than buying a complete set and defined, those who want to buy could choose among various chess set and then buy the pawn he likes most, the knight he likes etc ...
There is a great tradition of France of crafting pieces from boxwood. I suggest you sell that, even if it's a bit expensive, rather than some plastic crap. It's nice to have digital on one side, and beautiful physical objects on the other. I guess the board itself still needs to be a standard roll-up plastic board, as wood boards take up too much space and are not really convenient, and would be a pain to ship as well.
Free DGT boards for all Lichess users! Nah, just kidding (would be cool though).... I like that idea, so long as it's financially viable. Sounds like a good way to further Lichess's reach, so that there are more ways for people to find out about this amazing site. And the money could go towards maintaining and improving Lichess further.
We've looked into the prospect, but there aren't any self-contained services that we can use for this like spreadshirts.

It's not in lichess' ability to move into this area, we simply do not have the resources.

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