
Against the Exchange Variation (French)

EVERYONE plays the exchange French against me and it's SO boring. My question is, are there any aggressive/active tries to the exchange French that are not outright losing? Anything would be appreciated.
Try the Nc6/Bg4 lines, they tend to lead to opposite side castling and all around sharp games.
Exchange French is what I play. Since I like QG sorta games I play an early c4 or get something like a KIA.
Sometimes I get an isolated d pawn but it does not bother me.
in tournaments I have a few set ups I like to use, I'm not certain that they are great but certaintly more fun for me. Bd6 (unless they play bishop f4 then I play Bf5) h6, Qf6, c6 (or Nc6) Bf5 e6 or g4, Ne7. Then 0-0 or 0-0-0 depending on how you feel and what whites setup is
@Masquerade #1

You could of course go through a database, or use the opening book on Lichess to check for options, but another way is to just check for games of French defense specialists from the past.
For example : Uhlmann, Korchnoi, Botvinnik.

And I just found this game collection :
"French Defence: Beating the Exchange Variation"

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