
ctcl 5

Dear classical chess friends!
The CTCL 5 will start in August and end in May.
There will be a total of 10 rounds, always on the first Saturday of the month.
Time control is 60+30.
Only the result of the first game of the participants counts for the championship.
You can play as many games as you want though.
The points of the teams in each round are added.
Only the 7 best rounds of each team count.
This is the link for the first round:

Please send me a message if you want your team to be added.
Dear classical chess friends,
First of all we’d like to thank all those who played yesterday in round 1 of the CTCL 5.
We are happy with this innovative format.
It was tough, exciting and a lot of fun.
We had 99 participants and 50 games were played.
This is really quite a lot for an arena 60+30 tournament.

Congratulations to the winner:
90+30 Classical Championship,

second place:
Todo Mundo

and third:
C3 – Classical Chess Club.

Standings after round 1:
(only the scores of the 7 best rounds count)

90+30 Classical Championship 8
Todo Mundo 7
C3 – Classical Chess Club 6
Царское Село 4
90m+30s 4
Elite Chess Players' Union 4
ILS-Rapid Team 3
Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club 3
Lightning's Flash Team 3
Hamburger SK 2
Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 2
Ketchup tv 1
10 kişi olduk 1
Black Swans 0
Club Virsan 0
Artist atomic 0
E-Boards Chess Club 0
Lance5500 Chess Coach 0
DrNykterstein fun club 0
Online Chess Courses 0
Lance5500 Fan Club 0

See you in a month in round 2!

Take care.
Kurt and Paulo
Dear classical chess friends,
First of all we’d like to thank you for making the CTCLsuch a fascinating and successful championship.
We enjoyed again many great and exciting games yesterday.
The matches were tough. Everybody fighting hard for their club.
Congratulations to the winner of the round and new leader:
Todo Mundo
And the second places:
Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club

Round 2:
Todo Mundo 8
90m+30s 7
Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club 7
Elite Chess Players' Union 6
Hamburger SK 6
ILS-Rapid Team 4
Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 4
Lightning's Flash Team 4
90+30 Classical Championship 4
Online Chess Courses 3
C3 – Classical Chess Club 2
Lance5500 Chess Coach 2
Царское Село 2
Artist atomic 2
Turm-Bauer 2
Club Virsan 0
Black Swans 0
Ketchup tv 0
Reunited Warriors 0
E-Boards Chess Club 0
DrNykterstein fun club 0
10 kişi olduk 0
Elite Chess Players’ Union New 0
Lance5500 Fan Club 0

Standings after round 2 of 10:
(only the scores of the 7 best rounds count)
Todo Mundo 15 (7+8)
90+30 Classical Championship 12 (8+4)
90m+30s 11 (4+7)
Elite Chess Players' Union 10 (4+6)
Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club 10 (3+7)
C3 – Classical Chess Club 8 (6+2)
Hamburger SK 8 (2+6)
ILS-Rapid Team 7 (3+4)
Lightning's Flash Team 7 (3+4)
THINK 7 (1+6)
Царское Село 6 (4+2)
Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 6 (2+4)
Online Chess Courses 3 (0+3)
Turm-Bauer 2 (2)
Artist atomic 2 (0+2)
Lance5500 Chess Coach 2 (0+2)
Ketchup tv 1 (1+0)
10 kişi olduk 1 (1+0)
Black Swans 0 (0+0)
Club Virsan 0 (0+0)
E-Boards Chess Club 0 (0+0)
DrNykterstein fun club 0 (0+0)
Lance5500 Fan Club 0 (0+0)
Reunited Warriors 0 (0)
Elite Chess Players’ Union New 0 (0)

See you again in a month!
Take care.
Round 3 of the CTCL was very exciting yesterday.
Several teams came in a big number which mounted up in a new record of 111 registrations!
This is truly amazing for a 60+30 Arena.
We’d like to thank once more the team leaders and you all for your great support of this unique championship.
The round ended with a big surprise.
Classic Chess for all won right away in their 1st participation, congratulations!
THINK is celebrating a great comeback finishing only 1 point behind, congratulations!
Congratulations also to C3 – Classical Chess Club for coming in 3rd place!

Todo Mundo is leading by only 1 point now ahead of THINK.
90m+30s occupies the 3rd rank.

Round 3:
1. Classic Chess for all 13
2. THINK 12
3. C3 – Classical Chess Club 7
4. Царское Село 6
4. 90m+30s 6
6. Todo Mundo 5
7.ILS-Rapid Team 4
7. Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club 4
9. Lance5500 Fan Club 2
9. Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 2
9. Club Virsan 2
9. 90+30 Classical Championship 2
9. Hamburger SK 2
14. Reunited Warriors 1
15. Turm-Bauer 0
15. Elite Chess Players' Union 0
15. Lance5500 Chess Coach 0
15. Ketchup tv 0
15. Artist atomic 0
15. E-Boards Chess Club 0
15. Online Chess Courses 0
15. Black Swans 0
15. Lightning's Flash Team 0
15. DrNykterstein fun club 0
15. 10 kişi olduk 0
15. Elite Chess Players’ Union New 0

Standings after round 3 of 10:
(only the scores of the 7 best rounds count)
Todo Mundo 20 (7+8+5)
THINK 19 (1+6+12)
3. 90m+30s 17 (4+7+6)
4. C3 – Classical Chess Club 15 (6+2+7)
5. 90+30 Classical Championship 14 (8+4+2)
5. Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club 14 (3+7+4)
7. Classic Chess for all 13 (13)
8. Царское Село 12 (4+2+6)
9. ILS-Rapid Team 11 (3+4+4)
10. Elite Chess Players' Union 10 (4+6+0)
10. Hamburger SK 10 (2+6+2)
12. Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 8 (2+4+2)
13. Lightning's Flash Team 7 (3+4+0)
14. Online Chess Courses 3 (0+3+0)
15. Turm-Bauer 2 (2+0)
15. Artist atomic 2 (0+2+0)
15. Lance5500 Chess Coach 2 (0+2+0)
15. Club Virsan 2 (0+0+2)
15. Lance5500 Fan Club 2 (0+0+2)
20. Ketchup tv 1 (1+0+0)
20. 10 kişi olduk 1 (1+0+0)
20. Reunited Warriors 1 (0+0+1)
23. FALCONF7 CLUB 0 (0+0+0)
23. Black Swans 0 (0+0+0)
23. E-Boards Chess Club 0 (0+0+0)
23. DrNykterstein fun club 0 (0+0+0)
23. Elite Chess Players’ Union New 0 (0+0)
The CTCL was a lot of fun yesterday with once more way over 100 registrations!
The matches were exciting and tough.
Everybody was fighting hard for their team.
At the end Todo Mundo won round 4 by a single point, congratulations!
Congratulations as well to Think for coming in second and Classic chess for all finishing in 3rd place!

Todo Mundo is also the leader after round 4 of 10, 2 points ahead of THINK.

Round 4:
Todo Mundo 15
Classic Chess for all 10
90m+30s 7
ILS-Rapid Team 6
C3 – Classical Chess Club 5
Царское Село 4
Polska vs Szwecja 2-0 finał baraży 4
Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 4
90+30 Classical Championship 4
Lance5500 Fan Club 2
Online Chess Courses 2
Elite Chess Players' Union 2
DrNykterstein fun club 2
Artist atomic 2
Black Swans 2
Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club 1
Turm-Bauer 0

Standings after round 4 of 10:
(only the scores of the 7 best rounds count)
1. Todo Mundo (7+8+5+15) 35
2. THINK (1+6+12+14) 33
3. 90m+30s (4+7+6+7) 24
4. Classic Chess for all (13+10) 23
5. C3 – Classical Chess Club (6+2+7+5) 20
6. 90+30 Classical Championship (8+4+2+4) 18
7. ILS-Rapid Team (3+4+4+6) 17
8. Царское Село (4+2+6+4) 16
9. Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club (3+7+4+1) 15
10. Elite Chess Players' Union (4+6+2) 12
10. Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung (2+4+2+4) 12
12. Hamburger SK (2+6+2) 10
13. Lightning's Flash Team (3+4) 7
14. Online Chess Courses (3+2) 5
15. Polska vs Szwecja 2-0 finał baraży (4) 4
15. Artist atomic (2+2) 4
15. Lance5500 Fan Club (2+2) 4
15. Lance5500 Fan Club (2+2) 4
15. FALCONF7 CLUB (4)4
20. Turm-Bauer (2) 2
20. Lance5500 Chess Coach (2) 2
20. Club Virsan (2) 2
20. Black Swans (2) 2
20. DrNykterstein fun club (2) 2
25. Ketchup tv (1) 1
25. 10 kişi olduk (1) 1
25. Reunited Warriors (1) 1

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