
Offering a draw

I have been taught that the proper way to offer a draw over the board, is to say "Draw?", make your move, then hit your clock. The reasoning is that offering a draw during your opponent's turn is interrupting his thought process, and rude. So you offer before you make your own move, then make your move, and finalize the move by hitting the clock.

However, when I attempt the same thing on lichess, the draw offer is canceled as soon as I make a move. The offer should only be canceled when my opponent declines or makes a move himself. Obviously I shouldn't wait for him to decide to accept or decline on my own clock, so I make a move and leave it to him to decide on his own time. But this does effectively nothing on lichess.

I propose to modify the cancellation to happen on two events, not three. Opponent explicitly declines, or opponent makes a move. My own move should count nothing toward the cancellation of a draw offer.
In online chess, the draw offer is also used as a distraction in bullet games by people in a hopeless position. I suggest ignoring it. Just as the online game is different, the online etiquette is too.

I agree with chesswithchris. When offering a draw, playing your move shouldn't cancel it.
I agree as well
I think the next move of the opponent should cancel the draw.
I just wonder why other chess sites I know don't behave like chessWithChris explains, which is a chess rule
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This can probably have a modification. The issue was that in the past, the draw offer would linger and the offerer would not redact the offer. This meant that if either side became in a losing position, they could just accept the draw.

But this rule can probably be changed so the draw offer is redacted after the opponent makes a move.
I misunderstood the original point made, which I now realise is completely valid. Was too busy with pork spare ribs. Sorry ChessWithChris.
Thanks Clarkey. I do believe I have done it the suggested way on other sites, specifically FICS and ICC. The draw offered stayed until my opponent made a move.
Valid point. However, to redact the offer when the opponent makes a move won't cut it, because if you make the offer during your opponent move, it may go unnoticed.
It has to be redacted after two plies.

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