
Time out warning seems excessive

Is there a minimum to how many seconds must pass before the resign instead of letting time run warning appears?

I just heard someone say they were turned off from playing at lichess because of this warning. He was playing a 10 minute game and his opponent let 15 seconds run out in the last move and got the warning. He stopped playing here because that warning seemed insensitive and draconian.

Perhaps the warning should be scaled based on the time control and have a bigger minimum? Maybe record the behavior without putting the warning in chat in some cases? Just trying to avoid this problem in the future.
1st) I don't know the answer to your question.
2nd) I don't like the warnings for "letting time run out", too. However: It's only a warning. And a warning is hardly "draconian".
A draconian warning, wow. Still learning new things here.

(I suggest calling it „accelerated draconian“).

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