
Add endgame puzzles

Right now, even though a few puzzles are endgames, most puzzles are tactical puzzles in the middlegame.

It would be great if lichess added a separate section for endgame puzzles.
Hi. I added 2000 endgames puzzles on the home page ( Under the puzzle of the Day) 3 mounths ago and send this modification To lichess devs as its a cool feature and it could be implemented in news release but it hasnt be done. It means on every app update i have To rewrite the code... if you want i can upload the apk ( only for android )

Ps: i also changed the analysis in order To get back the old style ( which was more " readable" )
We avoided endgame puzzles on purpose as they often need to allow for more than one solution. Proper endgame puzzles would need to allow for this, and would need to be a separate feature. I would like to see this become a feature too.
@Clarkey first thx for answering.
I understand but i think a lot of people are intéressed in endgames. The way i ve done le when you start a pb it launch an endgame against stockfish level 8 and telling you the goal which are To draw if its theorically equal or win if its a theorically winning position. I understand there are different ways to do but it doesnt really matters since the goal is To master typical endgames such philidor or opposite bishop or opposition and so on..

I also have another question: when looking on github there is a feature "different sounds" meaning sound on check sound on castle and so on.. but it hasnt be done . I ve done this feature and send the code to thibault but it also hasnt being implemented in new update...

Last: a lot of people asked for country flags in onlinegames and new clock design. I have done this but still the same pb. Give a look pls and let me know if i should re send the code since its well implemented and has a pro design

I also have modded the theme to make it on m'y opinion more "pro " as you can see on the screenshot

It would be nice if you could post the APK, preferably also with the source code.

Ok i Will do that this aftetnoon. I also added the news rating system rapid/ classical since it hasnt be done yet

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