
a game with the french

Your opponent played the Rubinstein line, after your Nc3.
I seem to remember that GM Dzindzidashvili (sp?) called dxe4 almost winning for white, and some other GMs mentioned that they don't understand that black wants to defend for a really long time in that line, but maybe that is a bit over the top. E.g. GM Tiviakov sometimes plays the French Rubinstein.

At move 18 your game suddenly becomes very interesting because of the opposite colored bishops and the attacking chances from that (as long as there are more pieces on the board).

Nice finish ! :)
I think Nc3 is most fun for whites, dxe4 is not a line I like as a French player. I think it can be a very dry line for both sides and is safe for both colours. Blacks have a slight disadvantage but nothing that whites can expose easily. most critical line is Bb4

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