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139 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The priceless satisfaction of defeating fast players#10

@lancillotta said in #1: > I have always hated those who do not fully exploit the potential that time grants us. This is not only true in chess but also in life. (...) Thought is a gift reserved exclu…

General Chess Discussion - Let us talk about how to be "Good at Chess"#5

"Good at chess" is relative, it depends on what level you compare yourself to. Personally, I consider someone who achieves the title of Candidate Master to be good at chess, which will never happen to…

General Chess Discussion - Enjoyment vs Study#11

@benjialextie said in #1: > Does studying chess take away from the enjoyment of playing it..... . In the case of chess, studying entails on the one hand greater knowledge ( and understanding is always…

General Chess Discussion - how do you approach 5+3 games?#2

I play these games for exercise. Blitz is too fast for me, I'm distracted by always being in check the time, and honestly I don't enjoy it much ( I like games where you try to calculate deeply, analyz…

General Chess Discussion - The most destructive thing a human being can do to themselves is#6

@nextlevel89 said in #1: > chess is mostly about comparison ourselves to others. I disagree. Playing chess means comparing our ability to play chess with other's ability to play chess, nothing else. S…

General Chess Discussion - Who here prefers opening with the black pieces?#20

For a few months now I've been playing much better as Black ( maybe thanks to the fact that I've found an opening that suits me, allowing me to express my game better ). And I discovered to my dismay …

General Chess Discussion - Do you prefer online chess, offline, or a mix of both?#2

1. I became passionate about chess by attending a real club for about a year. Many years later I got the urge to play chess again, so a year and a half ago I started playing online, not having the opp…

General Chess Discussion - How do you keep from being humiliated after losing a game and just dropping chess altogether?#8

@Juuuustout said in #1: > So.... how do you recover from this? We've all had a stupid checkmate. Even after a long time, maybe a 2-move checkmate doesn't happen but still badly lost games, which make …

General Chess Discussion - Fear of loosing#5

@lemoniscool: Jump into the fray and don't think about the rating. You win and you lose, enjoy the victories and don't give weight to the defeats. You don't prove anything by playing chess, unless you…

General Chess Discussion - Not resigning really sucks the fun out of the game#22

@PawncompleX said in #21: > there's a point when resigning is just good sportsmanship no? The point is precisely this: not everyone believes that resigning is good sportsmanship, but only at most a ch…
