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8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Is this a new feature#2

@Arjan_chess2 said in #1: > When I hover over someone, it shows how many months ago they have joined lichess and the amount of games they have played. Yep, it is.

Lichess Feedback - lichess is awesome#3

lol, its great

Lichess Feedback - Should lichess forbid this kind of behavior?#9

@likeyacutg said in #6: > @petri999 in theory this is true, but in practice it is largely effective when you get a weak enough opponent. Take my hint at one of the users and look how much rating he ha…

Lichess Feedback - Should lichess forbid this kind of behavior?#4

At some point though there are not a lot of 3000+ players on the site and it becomes difficult to pair up with people 3000+ and even in 2900s.

General Chess Discussion - I‘m 15 and have a rating of 2600... do you think I can become a GM?#42

Of course you can, 2600 is really strong especially for your age. It all depends how much effort you are willing to put into achieving GM though.

General Chess Discussion - Why are real players all of a sudden watching me play stockfish AI?#9

Yes, when you have the highest rating out of all players playing stockfish at that time than your game is broadcasted on lichess TV as top rated stockfish.

General Chess Discussion - I hate blitzs, I just can't really think like a blitzs player#5

What bullet do you play though 1+0?

General Chess Discussion - Most aesthetic checkmates & cool positions you had#6

@Acrobat31 said in #1: > I'll start with mine: greek gift folllowed by O-O-O# (yes, I didn't checkmate earlier because I wanted that cool castling checkmate) Dang you really got the king to go all the…
