
Search "user:trexchess"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - AI images should not be allowed on Lichess Blog Posts#1

The use of AI images is something that goes against the open-source ethos of this site and should not be allowed in blog posts, especially when those blog posts appear on the lichess homepage. The iss…

Lichess Feedback - Opening Sorting in Lichess Advanced Sort#5

@Overliner Yes but I just want to filter games to specific ECO codes. In chess insights you can see things like results and average centipawn loss by opening but there is no way to then click on an op…

Lichess Feedback - Opening Sorting in Lichess Advanced Sort#3

What I have tried instead is exporting all my game png's to a text editor and then ctrl f-ing for the specific opening eco code but that is a messy solution if you play the same openings as both black…

Lichess Feedback - Opening Sorting in Lichess Advanced Sort#1

Is there a way I can look at all of my games from a specific opening on Lichess? If not how does the code behind the advanced search work and could such a tag be added?

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Database of your own games option #1

Would it be possible to have a database option of just your own games? The database feature is really useful for looking at the practicality of different lines and I would love to be able to look at a…

General Chess Discussion - Top 5 Plays of the Month for December - prizes awarded#14 This one was really fun.

General Chess Discussion - Top 5 Plays of the Month for December - prizes awarded#4 This one was really cool.

Game analysis - One of the best forced checkmate sacrifices I have ever had.#3

Thank you selfmate

Game analysis - One of the best forced checkmate sacrifices I have ever had.#1 I was down the exchange but won with my initiative and piece synchronization.

Game analysis - Too many tactics#1

No queen, no problem
