
Crush Philidor with this RARE Gambit!

234 • Bosburp •
  1. What is the Bird Gambit?
  2. Section 1: Black takes c3
  4. 5...cxb2?! with 6...Be6
  1. Bosburp

CRUSH with the Alien Gambit

219 • Sack_o_Potatoes •
  1. The moves
  2. Lines
  3. "Turtle"/"Cocoon" setup
  4. Bg4 huge trap!
  1. Sack_o_Potatoes

The Most Craziest Gambit Ever|The Jerome Gambit (The Death Cruise Part 11)

194 • cRusher_bOy •
  1. Welcome Aboard The Death Cruise
  2. Introducing: The Jerome Gambit
  3. The Jerome Gambit (Pain Or Pleasure?)
  1. cRusher_bOy

Destroy Sicilian with this Trap!

187 • ST123_stsoham_Chess •
  1. Intro
  2. Section 1: Portsmouth Gambit
  3. Section 1.1: OH NO MY KNIGHT!!
  4. 10...Nb8
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess

Learn the Evans Gambit

173 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Why Evans Gambit?
  3. Pros and Cons
  4. Hein Countergambit
  1. Green_Frog96

Stafford Gambit

159 • SaikumarBali •
  1. Stafford Gambit accepted : Overview
  2. Stafford Gambit : The Big trap - 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5
  3. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d4
  4. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d3
  1. SaikumarBali

Killing With The Kings Indian Attack!

159 • RubiksCuber23 •
  1. Introduction
  2. General Idea
  3. General Idea - Quiz
  4. Playing against d5 - Nc6
  1. RubiksCuber23
  2. Bosburp
  3. Jisu101
  4. MaciekLu

The Głø Krüller Gambit

152 • The_Inverse_Tangent •
  1. What is the Głø Krüller?
  2. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack, main line
  3. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.h3
  4. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.Bxh6
  1. The_Inverse_Tangent
  2. Crazy_Cotangent

The Wing Gambit

136 • SamDad •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Wing Gambit : The basics
  3. The Wing Gambit : The capture
  4. The Wing Gambit : E4
  1. SamDad

Rousseau Gambit

135 • Meane •
  1. Introduction
  2. Line 1 : exf5
  3. Line 1 : Exercise 1
  4. Line 1.1 : exf5 | Qe2
  1. Meane

Benko Gambit

134 • anthonyrr2 •
  1. Chapter 1 : Intoduction
  2. Chapter 2 : Avoiding the Gambit with the pawn
  3. Chapter 3 : Vaganian Gambit; Avoiding the Gambit with the Knight
  1. anthonyrr2

😎Stafford Gambit ---- 🇬🇧 / 🇩🇪

123 • Solongo3 •
  1. Stafford 1
  2. Stafford 2
  3. Stafford 3
  4. Stafford 4
  1. Solongo3

Orthoschnapp Gambit

115 • foxman98 •
  1. The Orthoschnapp Gambit
  2. The Gambit Accepted
  3. The Gambit Accepted - 5...Nh6
  4. The Gambit Accepted - 5...Qe7
  1. foxman98

super traps and crazy openings

110 • Mingxu •
  1. spanish trap
  2. D4,D5 trap
  3. king gambit trap
  4. budapest trap
  1. turing69
  2. tictacmat
  3. Mingxu
  4. Joachim-66

Scandinavian: Portuguese variation, Icelandic, Ross Gambit

99 • Cadorna100 •
  2. Portuguese Variation
  3. The Quiet 4.Be2: ...Bxe2 5.Nxe2?!
  4. 6...e6 idea
  1. Cadorna100
  2. onirix_crono

CRUSH Black with this RARE Gambit!

90 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Mainline
  3. Mainline - 5...Bg4 Teichmann Defence with 6...Bxf3
  4. Mainline - 5...Bg4 Teichmann Defence with 6...Bh5
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974