
The Life of Manny The Grand

Book 1

Prince Manny

By Matt.D.J

Once upon a time long ago in a Kingdom on a hill that looked like a hill on top of a hill, there was a Prince and his two Knights, one was Evil the other was Good, the King of that land had the rest of the Knights with him. The Prince was called Manny the Grand.

Prince Manny the Grand was a magnificent Prince, and he would fight the Evil Leader’s soldiers\controlled men. One day the Prince wanted to go into a wood that was very dark and evil looking, Prince Manny went to the Evil Knight (which was a bad idea) and said, “Is that wood safe for people to go into?”

The Evil Knight was silent for a few minutes, and said “It is as safe as a castle.” so the Prince went into the wood of Evil Trees. As soon as the Prince went into the wood twenty steps he heard the sound of a horn (dawu dawu) and turned around but it was too late. He felt a net falling on him then a big person came and knocked the prince out and he remembered no more.

The Good Knight heard the sound of the horn (dawu dawu dawu dawu) and ran to the wood just in time to be attacked by The Evil Knight who had decided to attack instead of being attacked. The Good Knight said “Why did you do that? And who are you?”

“Because I am under The Evil Leader’s mind controlling device, I am called Evil,” the Evil Knight answered. The swords were going in all directions faster than the speed of light. The Evil Knight was so sweaty from swinging his sword that he retreated and ran into the woods so that he could set a trap. The Good Knight went into the woods to try and save the Prince.

After the Knight ran for twenty minutes he stumbled over a rope and all of a sudden the Evil Knight jumped out of nowhere and cut a rope that was tied to a rock that was the only rock in the Wood. When the rope was cut a huge cage fell down where the good knight was, then a little rock was thrown at his helmet and he remembered no more.

As soon as the knight came to his senses he found himself in a cave. The Cave was about ten feet high and four feet wide. All of a sudden the Good Knight felt an urge to draw his sword. But it was too late, he felt something stab him in the back and he knew no more because he had died. An hour after that happened the prince was brought in. The Good Knight stepped up but it wasn’t a ghost it was really the Good Knight. The reason why the Good Knight stepped up was because he actually wasn’t completely dead, he was only half dead, and if he got enough air (which he did get enough air) he would be revived. The Good Knight stabbed the Evil Leader in the back then ran away with the Prince in his arms.

The Good Knight was running for half an hour, and when he stopped running they were out of the woods, and he put Prince Manny down. After a five minute break they walked all the way back to the castle where the Evil Knight was running away from the castle with ten soldiers chasing him. The Evil Knight was running from the castle because he had seen Prince Manny coming from the woods. Prince Manny and the Good Knight would have lived happily for a long time if ... but that is another story.