GM Tayka Lichess coach picture

GM Vadim Moiseenko

Improve your chess skills with Grandmaster!

LocationChess Sea Russia
Languagesрусский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 256727792678
Hourly rate30 usdt (crypto) or 3000 RUB
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I was born in 1994 in Russia. That was a diffucult time kind of crisis after falling USSR. My parents decided to give me a good education, during the life I worked officially as a programmer, stock market trader and chess coach.
I am a positive guy. Really love chess so much. I like to joke and laugh very much, so our life is so short for being negative.
At the moment (2024) I am working as a programmer (frontend, devops), but very glad to share my knowledge.

Wiki knows about me more, then I am.

Я родился в 1994 году в России. Тогда это было сложное время, кризис после распада СССР. Мои родители решили дать мне хорошее образование, долгое время я занимался программированием. Очень люблю шахматы. Нравится мне шутить и смеяться , поэтому жизнь слишком коротка чтобы быть негативным. В данный момент работаю программистом, но с удовольствием поделюсь своими знаниями.

Что-то о бо мне знает даже вики

Playing experience

I started to play chess when I was 6 years old.
The winner of the European Union Championship 2012 in Prague. (Until 18)
The third place in Russian Rapid Championship 2016 Sochi.
The winner other large open tournaments kind of Nezmetdinov Memorial, Heart Of Finland...
I won lots of 2700+ players in Rapid and 2600+ in Classical.
I even have a good score against Magnus Carlsen 2-0 but these games are really stupid:))
Recently I won lots of grandmasters 2700+ in rapid, 2600+ in classical.

Teaching experience

I gave more than 100 chess lessons for a big audience.
I gave more than 500 hours of private lessons in the English language.
I gave more than 1000 hours of private lessons totally.
I am the official coach of SZFO association

Other experiences

So, I have my own chess course on udemy for begginers:
7 hours+ of video
500+ interactive execercises.

I have a really interesting life, travelling around the world, speaking with great people.

Couple of times was a second on high level tournaments.

Пару раз был секундантом на супертурнирах.

Best skills

For more than 4 years I share my knoledge about chess with my students. My chess lessons are really hard but usefull, because first thing first I think about how to force student's brain to work, so student get practice skills he wanted to reach. Some of my students increased rating right after our training sessions, but chess education is deceiving so resault can come in few months. Feel free to contact me via private message.

Teaching methodology

Most important for me to lessons being interesting, we will see the best examples in modern chess world.
Every lesson, I will give you homework.
More practice, less teory.
We can talk about what you interested in or (if you don't know what exactly you need) I will prepare content for you.
Also, I will structure our lessons and you will be able to see these lessons any time you want via browser.

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