
Chessbase 13 - is it worth it?

Is it worth to buy Chessbase 13 in your opinion? It is quite expensive, so is it really useful for someone with just basic idea of chess?
Maybe it is better to invest money in subscription?
You do not need that pro stuff at your level, there is training options in this site; unlimited puzzles and opening study. There are also freeware good chess study programs (search for "Lucas"), and other pgn viewers.

Also if you want a chess database, will do, there are superb game collections to enjoy there
For example: immortal games collection

Don't need to spend money in If you want to spend some anyway, i recomend you to donate this sites developers.
Thank you for suggestion - Lucas does really look good.
Can you recommend some book? It seems there is a big gap between books that teach just moves of pieces and elaborated books with complicated concepts.
Aron Nimzowitch - My System is a good start to comprehend main concepts and ideas.
And as a puzzle book I like Lev Alburt's Chess Training Pocket Book

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