
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
openings-puzzle theme is wired1
by FinishMySentence
Missed points4
by w2oli
Name changing10
by MentalFugues
More sort options when searching for coaches0
by chessiniowa4545
bug - move pawn9
by AsDaGo
3D mode1
by Oxsup
The schedule of Titled Arenas1
by <erased>
is there a way to display, for eg, 4 or 5 rows of my daily games in Lichess ??1
by nadjarostowa
Puzzle: a better solution4
by rdrimmel
How can I see the exact day I played a game on4
by Wither77
Please link the offical merch store somewhere on the website4
by SimonBirch
Reconnecting to Lichess7
by for_cryingout_loud
Stockfish is gone crazy?2
by SimonBirch
не могу начать игру0
by Mishin4433
Ratings/Gameplay change recently1
by nadjarostowa