
Lichess down

<Comment deleted by user>
Yeah because agadmator's Arena was so bloated, the site went down. On the bright side, at least there was no money on the line for you (I assume).
This happened to me also, I have also created a topic also on this so check that too....I was winning but It showed I lost !!!!
Same here, but I don't think lichess has ever rewarded points back after server issues.
my game was rated a loss even though it was still in the opening. game was aborted by server. Where and how can this be corrected?

Calm yourself. There was a big 2 minute tournament running with literally 16,000 players. It stressed out the servers.
@Modest_Proposal said in #7:
> Calm yourself. There was a big 2 minute tournament running with literally 16,000 players. It stressed out the servers.

In addition to this: I believe Lichess is doing all they can to solve this problem.

As I recall, the tourney was open to all players as there was no real entry requirements (aside from playing > 50 rated bullet games) which basically allowed an enormous amount of people to join until the server crashed.
And when they created another one, they implemented a rating requirement of > 1800 (as a method of reducing the number participants), but that didn't work out unfortunately. Though, I guess they probably did more than just adding that specific entry requirement.

Let's just hope lichess will figure something out.

Can we get some actual forensics of what happened instead of speculation? Just because lichess runs on donations does NOT mean there's not enough money for sanity, logic, and fairness.

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