

@DERG_CHESS said in #20:
> HAHAHAHA no. the best games were created on java (and phyton)
> Easy to use doesn't equal better lol
Okay. Does java or python support 3d/2d/vr/ar/lots and lots and lots of other templates? Have you ever heard of Unity or are you just sticking to your favourite programming language doesn't mean others are worse. Unity has a giant community.
@Tewomahrs said in #24:
> Okay. Does java or python support 3d/2d/vr/ar/lots and lots and lots of other templates? Have you ever heard of Unity or are you just sticking to your favourite programming language doesn't mean others are worse. Unity has a giant community.
And Phyton and java has an even bigger comunity
@Tewomahrs said in #24:
> Okay. Does java or python support 3d/2d/vr/ar/lots and lots and lots of other templates?

They do, and Unity is not a language

> Unity has a giant community.

Can you even imagine the number of people in Python/Java communities?
@Tewomahrs said in #19:
> I took a look at python and java, and their game engine is garbage compared to Unity's game engine. If you don't believe me check their site out and take a look at it on youtube.
unity is not a program or a language. its just a simple even a 6 year old can do by moving this thing and that thing like block coding. java and python are the best in programing language. they are super advanced which is harder is better. html will be better for creating web pages.
it does not always depend on game engine. java and python have more cooler stuff than unity.
@RURU7575 said in #28:
> unity is not a program or a language. its just a simple even a 6 year old can do by moving this thing and that thing like block coding. java and python are the best in programing language. they are super advanced which is harder is better. html will be better for creating web pages.

Hello, I quickly want to inform you: I'm not claiming Unity is a programming language, it uses C# as one of it's main languages for game developping. Python is for kids. Java is basically C#. If you're smart, take a look at Unity's homepage here: . Beatiful, isn't it? And umm... no. It isn't just "moving blocks here and there". It's something like Unreal or Godot. But some people just prefer Unity because of their crystal-clear layout and lots of handy built-in usages such as gravity, editable colliders, raycasts, animations, ragdolls... and so on. I hope you changed your mind.

P.S. Crab Game is made with Unity, you probably have heard of that.

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