
How do you actually get better at chess?

Is there some kind of a structured, easy to follow way to work on improving? I'm stuck at 1500
I usually just play chess games more and thats it lol. AKA I self learn by just playing with players but its a slow process.
I have occasionally looked at opening theory and how to win endgames. You should probably start learning a lot about openings and the theory behind them. This will help you understand tactics more and learn more about how the pieces work in sync. Also you should download the Magnus Trainer App. It helps in many ways to improve your chess.
I don't think I would know considering my rating but from what I've heard you shouldn't start learning anything past the first 3 moves on openings, practicing tactics, and just generally playing frequently and at constant rates.
I study pawn structures and piece placements that are typical of the openings I play, and the ideas behind them, I learned the hard way that mindlessly blasting out opening moves from a book on theory leads to little improvement.

You play too fast. The above game was a 15+15 time control. At the end you have 7 useless minutes left on your clock. So you played as if it were 8+15 time control. Take time to think.

To get better, you must analyse your lost games.

In the above case 5...f6 is a serious mistake, that weakens the position of your king. If white playes 7 Qh5+ the game is over after 7 moves and 1 minute.
Learn tactics, practice 10 puzzles or so a day.
Learn basic positional principles.

Practice checking for all possible checks, captures and threates BEFORE every move, it's very time consuming at the beginning, but at the end it will be easier.

Learn about some 10 basic tricks or so in the openings you play. Practice the endgame, and this is very important, practice the theory behind it a lot.
You'll win the games that are already won but you couldn't win, and you'll save some games that looked lost.

And do this everday, EVERYDAY. And in a year or so you'll see amazing results.

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