
199 moves... 0 innacuracies 0 mistakes 0 blunders... Perfect game... only a draw :(

Average centipawn loss only a 3... both sides

Although I went a frustrating 199 moves without having made any inaccuracies according to computer analysis I could still not find any ways to make any progress...

Was there some winning or advantageous lines I missed? Did I miss something or is this computer just playing error free chess? Or did the computer miss something that could have broken the impasse and gotten through my defense?
You could have opened up the position and allowed for some kind of progress with f6 and then g5 but its hard to tell who that would favor more. I can't see any way for the computer to have opened up the position without a huge material cost so this seems to have been a forced draw.
opening up that would not be wise because nothing favorable comes of it especially with those advanced pawns locked up.
For some reason, automated computer analysis stops after the first 200 plies (100 moves). Maybe try analyzing with the local analysis engine...

In general, it's possible to defeat AI level 8 by long, positional sequences, since level 8 is capped at a maximum search depth of 12 plies (6 moves).

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