
Linux vs Windows

@boilingFrog said in #35:
> Dude, this is about the freedom of humanity, bro !

What do you mean by that? How am I restricting this freedom when I don't release my sources? Everybody can make his own free decision whether he want to buy my software and agree to the terms on which it is sold or not.

Producing and maintaining my software is not only a lot of work but also a considerable financial investment. My main software product has a six figure count of lines of code and it is working with a lot of special hardware. Hardware that I have to buy in order to test the software. Neither does the money for that fall out of the sky nor does the code.

So please tell me how I am enhancing freedom of humanity if I allow people to use and even redistribute my software without any financial compensation. All people I have met so far want to be payed for their daily work. I would really love to hear your reasons why programmers like me are supposed to be the exception from that rule.
#42 @Katzenschinken
Your concerns are genuine and understandable. The problem is that some people do not trust closed-source software as it may contain spywares, trackers, etc., that collect information about the user and sell them. Open-source software brings transparency, at the cost of not earning as much money. Donations are not always reliable either. How about a business model like that of Threema or Protonmail though?
@moralisconundrum said in #45:
> The problem is that some people do not trust closed-source software as it may contain spywares, trackers, etc., that collect information about the user and sell them.

This isn't an issue as my software runs on dedicated systems that in most cases don't run any other software at all and in some cases are even standalone machines without a network connection. Even if I had malicious intentions there wouldn't be much data to gather from these systems, apart from some production data for which I usually have to sign NDA's anyway.

> How about a business model like that of Threema or Protonmail though?

Not really viable for me. Both companies are comparatively situated in a mass market with millions of users which I am not.

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