
I lost a game because of server issue

I had a game where I had a completely winning position, there was opponent's turn, I thought they were taking whole 8 minutes instead of taking a move and when all the time passed and I thought they were doing it just to waste my time but I have a win anyway, the timer turned 0 but there was no game over notification, like no win no loss just time hit 0 and nothing happened. When I refreshed the page, it turned out that my opponent actually made a move but the server didn't send it to me and from the server's point of view I was the one who used up all my time waiting and I lost the game.

I'm pretty angry about that. Maybe that lichess had to reconnect at the time of the match was the problem behind that but come one, imagine being on a pretty bad losing streak, pretty tilted about that and then you happen to get matched against a player 100 points lower in ranking than you and you get a completely winning position but you lose this because of the server. I get losing by not seeing a fork or a checkmate in one but losing in such a way? WTF?
In my area lichess servers were restarting around 2 hours ago (some time before your post) and it also happened to me, when the opponent with 0.09 seconds was saved and had been given extra 10 seconds (and only 2 seconds for me...), while my page didn't automatically refreshed until the game was over. So unlucky, but our games should probably be canceled not finished.

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