
Lichess tactics history hack.

When we do a tactics puzzle (under Learn/training) each puzzle has a unique number. You can see 20 of these at the lower end of your screen. Copy the number of the tactics you want to rehearse and put it in the url (web address). You will have to keep a separate spreadsheet for this.
“Repetition is the mother of skill” . People often forget up to 90% of something they learned only 30 days after learning it. The only way to avoid this is to use repetition. Per Tony Robbins.
Practicing many different tactics here everyday is minimally productive. You need to be able to recognize a scenario in a future place. Note: is great for narrow sets of tactics.
This has nothing to do with a "Lichess tactics history hack"
One of us needs to wake up. 1st define hack. Next there is a limited history here, hence you must create your own database of what you want to study.
What kind of two step system is that? First define a word. Second create your own database due to a limited history?
Good thing our based lord google defines hack for us: use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
Clickbait much? Don't use an edgy title when it's not that at all.
Please use a catchy phrase from the neo-demigod Google. You are showing how new to computing you are. Might as well say all you need to know about the Sicilian opening is 1... c5. Hacking is much broader than a simple look up a concept that you don't grasp. In fact a hacker can be defined as a cyber adept. We're not the bad guys, that is a "cracker". Sort of what you described. But Google does say things in a way the common public understands.
Sorry if the edgy title is over most people's heads.
? Are you referring to "ethical hacking"? It's not that hacking is so broad a topic that I haven't realized it's full extent; It's that you are trying to shroud the term hack/hacking in a veil of vagueness so that you can inappropriately coin the term.
-“Repetition is the mother of skill”-

Crack is the mother of stupid threads.
I am tired of explaining to those who are in the dark about he computer world. I don't need to make things up. CloudPaper do some research and stop sounding so noob, it is embarrassing.
Do all of you also complain that 'life hacks' don't all involve computers to gain unauthorised access to something?


I thought the point of doing puzzles was to improve your tactical thinking, not just memorise positions. Maybe you should do, say, 100 different puzzles, then go back and try do them all again until you can get them all correct. Doing the same puzzle multiple times in a row doesn't seem useful or productive to me

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