
Leaderboards ranking by country

Are there a feature on lichess that allows you to see your ranking compared with your own nation?

I’ve found the feature to exist on but it would be awesome if lichess has it. I’ve been searching for days and I couldn’t find any clue.
Don't take my word for it, but I think I heard that it used to be on lichess but is not available anymore. I would also like a feature like that.
I agree, ranking by nation should be on lichess aswell!
I think zoning should not be necessary in an ideal world you would find only the ones that can harm no 1 on a chess server. That what sucks about money in chess, otherwise you could have something like cheers.
There are bad reasons some people would like to get a list of players by country.
Just imagine Mafia looking for a chessplayer in Andorra. And they get him because of the lichess country ranking.
Interesting idea, but what would very likely happen is that players would just switch their countries to appear on the leaderboard, completely destroying the purpose of the feature itself.

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