
I need someone to train me in openings.

@Coolname5823 said in #1:
> I got advice from a pro and they said that my foresight is impeccable. But they also said that I need to work on my openings. And if I do, I will be UNSTOPPABLE MUAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
I did not expect you to be here old friend.
@Coolname5823 said in #1:
> I got advice from a pro and they said that my foresight is impeccable. But they also said that I need to work on my openings. And if I do, I will be UNSTOPPABLE MUAAAHAHAHAHAHA.

My opening repertoire is quite solid for an intermediate. I'll be glad to chat if you want to send me a dm.
I tried Chess Openings Wizard. A good tool for building, drilling and always updating my repertoire. It works for me. Find it on
@Coolname5823 you're a measly 800, you definitely need to focus on basic tactics, rather than thinking about specific openings and making cocky posts.
@Cedur216 said in #15:
> ... you're a measly 800, you definitely need to focus on basic tactics, rather than thinking about specific openings and ...
"... you must choose what openings you will be using. ..." - Journey to the Chess Kingdom, a book for beginners by Yuri Averbakh and Mikhail Beilin
I imagine that the authors did not have it in mind for readers to study a specific opening extensively, but they seem to have been sympathetic to the idea of readers thinking about specific openings.