
Import Position From Image

Is there any interest in a feature that allows you to import a position from an image, similar to ?

My intended use case would be for reading chess books that include diagrams. One could simply snap a photo of the position, and play with it from their phone or web browser. Thoughts?

P.S. I am willing to implement this feature if there are users...
A bit challenging since your algorithm has to recognize the pieces from lots of different styles and graphics but would be cool. A bit similar to these cameras that can recognize faces.

The technology is well-proven, and is very effective (see the chess fen bot link above, which posts comments to images on r/chess). It's just a matter of porting it to the lichess platform, which should be doable. But before I go and create an issue to log work to, I want to make sure people would use it, or at least think it would be useful...
I would find that useful for studying chess books.
To be able to import a position from an image would be great.

Image could be
- a chess diagram (out of a book / screenshot from youtube / etc)
- a picture of a position on a 'real' chess board (that might be tricky, but would be really cool :)

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