
Create "learn from your mistakes" across all games

Longtime Lichess player and supporter here. The "learn from your mistakes" feature is really fantastic. Many thanks to the developers.

To make this feature even more useful, I suggest setting up a way to go through your mistakes across ALL games for which the computer analysis has been run. It would operate exactly the same, except the mistakes would not be drawn only from the one game you just played -- they would come from any of your past games where you hadn't already reviewed those mistakes.

Perhaps this option could be placed within the Learn menu at the top of the screen.

Thanks very much.
Oh man, I love your tools, tailuge!
Would it be possible to "group" the mistakes you made more often (same board or at least same last move)?
Because you can make a mistake once. But if you've made the same mistake (more than) twice you should really focus on improving in this situation. What would be exciting for anyone is for example: Is there anything you have blundered in your last 1000 openings with white more than once?

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