
Youtube is stupid.

@Buttercup22 said in #1:
> If you go to a channel's home page it does not show how many videos the channel has.
you have to search the channel up
@Buttercup22 said in #1:
> If you go to a channel's home page it does not show how many videos the channel has.
meanwhile me who just clicked into the videos and having popcorns
if you r a@Buttercup22 said in #10:
> If youtube is such a waste of time, then why are you spending your time talking about it? Haven't you got better things to do?
if you are saying youtube is bad, what about tutorial vids? r they bad?
@SD_2709 said in #20:
> How is that their fault tho? Like that's up to the YT'ers not YT.
Some would argue the way the system is built calls for this kind of shit.
> 3. VERY frequent ads.
YouTube wants to make money. More ads=more money. More ads and people still use our platform? Let's put even more ads.
@WassimBerbar said in #19:
> So then why did you say in the title "Youtube is stupid"?
It's called Metonymy. The word "Youtube" is representative of the developers and management working for said company.
Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.
@Buttercup22 said in #10:
> If youtube is such a waste of time, then why are you spending your time talking about it? Haven't you got better things to do?

News flash... "staring" and "writing" are not synonyms.
@Buttercup22 said in #10:
> If youtube is such a waste of time, then why are you spending your time talking about it? Haven't you got better things to do?
thats right
@FC-in-the-UK said in #25:
> Some would argue the way the system is built calls for this kind of shit.
I mean I guess? The algorithm isn't perfect but it is a good way to access a lot of free content in visual form (video). There will always be those who abuse it to clickbait more views.
> YouTube wants to make money. More ads=more money. More ads and people still use our platform? Let's put even more ads.
Yeah I get that but they should reduce ads or at least let ad-blockers through because the ad blockers I tried didn't work for YT.
@SD_2709 said in #29:
> I mean I guess? The algorithm isn't perfect but it is a good way to access a lot of free content in visual form (video). There will always be those who abuse it to clickbait more views.
> Yeah I get that but they should reduce ads or at least let ad-blockers through because the ad blockers I tried didn't work for YT.

"They"? You mean the owners of a for-profit company should let you use their product for free and let you block the advertisers who finance your free service?

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