
Lichess tactics history hack.

I must apologize to most people here, likely only a few people are flaunting their ignorance.

They are petty and taking away from the point being made of helping people out.

Also they have consistently proven that they can't grasp simple concepts so why try explaining the breath and depth of the cyber world. So quit trying to expound on your obtuseness with lame definitions from popular media with it's superficial wordiness. I wash my hands of this.

No good deed goes unpunished.
@TheLeon #5

By the original meanings:

Hacking, in computer terms, is breaking into a computer either over coms or at the terminal.

Cracking is breaking into the software either password searching or decompiling/disassemble.

Phreaking is exploiting the coms system.

Neither is "evil" or "good." These qualities come from how you humans use the techniques.

Before you admonish others, get your facts straight.
lmao TheLeon hasn't made a single point other than that I cannot comprehend the inner machinations of his mind
I'm sure the community already understands what is the truth.
To Jimj12: There has been no mention of "life hacks" AT ALL prior to your post. Yes, the addition of the word "life" obviously changes the meaning.
a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing something

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