
Looking for chess friends who like to play longer games with increments.

I'm looking for people who like to play longer games who are around my rating (1600) and higher. By longer games, I don't mean the lichess definition of long which seems to be 15 minutes per side, I mean like at least 45 minutes per side.

Long enough so we can play what Dan Heisman calls "real chess", where we are able to look all the opponent's checks, captures, and threats. Also, when we get to the endgame, which always requires accuracy, we will not be about to time out and instead can play the endgame as it's meant to be played.

If you are interested in playing this time control and are at my rating or higher, please add me to your follow list. I will add you back next time I'm online.
Thanks everyone who added me to their follow list.

I just thought I'd bump this again so I could make even more friends, to have fun games with without all the tenseness and fear that comes from playing strangers.

I know a lot of you feel the same way I do, we want to get better at chess. The way to do this is surely through playing longer games with friends, not blitz games with strangers, where the time control is so short that the person who thinks the most times out and loses!

I think of it this way, when you sit down and play a game like Monopoly, which is so much simpler than chess, does it take you 10 minutes? No, it takes hours. I think a chess game deserves at least as much time as a game of Monopoly.

Also maybe Lichess can start having a true daily "slow tournament" , as it is now, the slow tournament is 10 minutes per side. What a laugh.Lichess needs to do more things to encourage longer games.
hey how about 960? I like long games and know how difficult to find opponent for it, but i playing 960 only.
Yes, this is exactly what I'm looking for. My rating is pretty crap at the moment, mainly as a result of not having played in a while and the terrible time constraints here. Some of my games with the IECC and (now dead) IECG from the late '90s to about a decade ago, on the other hand, were much more robust.
It might be worth starting a group or league for the purposes of arranging longer games (ICC and FICS each have a Team4545League.)
Nothing stopping you from making a team and organising events.
Except in my case because I've already made one this week, but SeaTurtle kicked this thing off so by rights it ought to be his or her team.

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