
First Win

Thank you for the advice. I am also super social when I game but super Intro anywhere else so I like to talk to anyone im gaming with or against. Its kindve touch and go here. I had a great guy the other night who told me what I was doing wrong and thats the most enjoyable time because just losing may be a learning experience but someone telling u why is even better right.... In any case im super red bulled up and just gonna play and maybe win some more :) My buddy also told me to watch a top level player on Twitch but I forget his name. Apparently hes scored way above everyone else right now ?
I got back into chess like a month ago after not touching it since being in school. Something to do over the Holiday downtime. Doing the puzzles here on lichess really helped with pattern recognition. It might be good practice to zone out for like an hour a night and just try to solve as many as you can correctly. After awhile you start to see things like, "Oh, the pawn is pinned by my rook, so I can plop the queen here and harass the enemy king and his pawn can't take back." It's a matter of both doing it a ton, and trying to grasp *why* stockfish wants you to make the particular moves in the particular order. Eventually you internalize those patterns and they pop up in your real games.

For example, I just beat up one of my friends earlier tonight in an endgame after doing some perverse number of pawn endgame puzzles. "Keep the king busy with your rook, push the pawn to promote. It's two against one, and his pawn can't stop both of them." - That's something I wouldnt have found last month.
So when I lose because I time out what does that mean? Is that simply based off point system for pieces?
no, it means you ran out of time you can see a clock on the right when playing if it's 0 you've lost
#11 I bet it's Hikaru Nakamura! Other lesser known great streamers or youtubers I'd recommend are GrandmasterGauri, Blitzstream (in french), or Zolpi.

The best way to avoid losing on timeout is to play longer time controls, such as 10 minute rapid or 30 minute classical. This means you get this amount of time, which is shown ticking down on the side of the board or under/over it, to use throughout your game, and to use as wisely as possible.
I too started playing chess somewhat late. What helped me most was analysing the games through the analysis board and the computer evaluation. When it showed a move is bad, I seek to find out why, and to not make this mistake again. And especially, have fun!
I think it may have been magnus but I am gonna just search twitch and watch. I do like the learning mechanism on here to show u popular moves.... I just cant get past the stereotypical open of pawn out knight then bishop? I think thats Italian but super new. Also I thought thats a defense move so if u open is that still Italian? And En passant also confusing lol. And castling? I have had times where I dont move my rook and dont move my king and have a clear lane but cant seem to castle.

Whats funny is in NJ at like 10 years old I met a grandmaster at a diner. I saw him every weekend we ate playing chess by himse;f and had to ask him what he was doing (parents were farmers im a bit on the spectrum...) and I wish I remembered his name.

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