

Learning html for school project, etc later this year basic...
I like python and a programming language called fuze 4(Not advertising btw)
Wut's python? Btw I am doing some Unity stuff and that's pretty cool because you can make games SO EASILY just dragging some stuff onto other stuff and voilà: game.
I am starting Python and I am in beginner level of html. If I complete Python and html then I will create a chess website like lichess and other chess websites and make my own lichess bot. I hope for the best.
@RURU7575 said in #14:
> I am starting Python and I am in beginner level of html. If I complete Python and html then I will create a chess website like lichess and other chess websites and make my own lichess bot. I hope for the best.
You can make bot with python but you have to learn more languages to create a website like this
@Tewomahrs said in #13:
> Wut's python? Btw I am doing some Unity stuff and that's pretty cool because you can make games SO EASILY just dragging some stuff onto other stuff and voilà: game.
but python and java can make more better apps, games and animations than Unity. so try if u can learn python from the internet or youtube.
@RURU7575 said in #18:
> but python and java can make more better apps, games and animations than Unity. so try if u can learn python from the internet or youtube.
I took a look at python and java, and their game engine is garbage compared to Unity's game engine. If you don't believe me check their site out and take a look at it on youtube.
@Tewomahrs said in #19:
> I took a look at python and java, and their game engine is garbage compared to Unity's game engine. If you don't believe me check their site out and take a look at it on youtube.
HAHAHAHA no. the best games were created on java (and phyton)
Easy to use doesn't equal better lol

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