
Search "user:anabasa"

26 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - how can I lose on time when I premove?#2

I think they have programmed the premoves with a minimal waste of time (some millisecs) And it is fair...

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion> Make the LM title not definitive!#2

I don't agree. If you got the title, you deserved it, forever. Having a stroke is enough cruel itself. And ageing too... Casually, yesterday I found this graphic....…

Game analysis - tactic training problem num 11603 bug#1 On the last move, K*h2 is better than the official solution (Q*h2)

Lichess Feedback - Create a game with specific opening#2

Actually, you can even create a tournament with an specific opening preset. They are called "thematic tournaments".

Lichess Feedback - New feature: "Know your squares" awareness training#4

Such as seeing a position for x seconds, and later reconstruct it from scratch?

General Chess Discussion - New to Chess! Wondering if these are good books?#6

Logical Chess: Move By Move. This Chernev's book will help you a lot in the first steps. I learned the basis of chess as a child with this book. I tabsolutely recommend it for you to start with.

Lichess Feedback - suggestion: color of thematic tourneys#3

Actually, I state that thematic chess must not be treated just as another variant, but as classic chess. I fact, I think that they are currently often overlooked, because we (classic chess players) do…

Lichess Feedback - How do I practice a specific opening with Lichess?#4

You could create a thematic tournament with your preferred opening. All the games will start with that one.

Lichess Feedback - suggestion: color of thematic tourneys#1

Thematic tournaments belongs to classical chess. I think they should have a color similar to it, although they are created by players. Besides, non standar chess variants (atomic, horde, ...) should h…

Lichess Feedback - Please save tactics trainer history!#2

Moreover, it would be great if we could try again a subset of past month failed puzzles, let's say.
