
Search "user:KrausRaus"

9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Opponent aborting a game before a checkmate#3

The situation being described here doesn't make sense, unless someone has found an exploit for the site. @BishopOne-Time Can you provide a screenshot capturing both the board state and the text that s…

General Chess Discussion - draw with no repeating#3

Maybe you hit the 50 move rule.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 1#47

25 degrees is not warm

General Chess Discussion - Are there any moves longer than 7 characters in algebraic notation?#1

To clarify, the move axb8=Q# is 7 characters long in algebraic notation. A friend and I were wondering if any notation has ever been longer than 7 characters in this system. Anyone seen or know of any?

General Chess Discussion - How many times does it take to ban you if you keep on aborting games?#5

Cowardice warrants a ban.

Lichess Feedback - Claim Victory Button Malfunctioning#1

Hey, all! Yesterday, I had an opponent leave the match and when the Claim Victory/Call Draw dialogue appeared, clicking Claim Victory seemed to do nothing. I ended up doing something else while waitin…

General Chess Discussion - So what is the origin of your username?#23

My first name is Chris, and once while drunk a friend called me Kraus. I applied the sound change to my last name as well, resulting in KrausRaus.

Lichess Feedback - Rudeness#5

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

Lichess Feedback - Bug if the opponent leaves the match#18

I'm also having problems with the claim victory button appearing. If I refresh the page on desktop, I get a brief glimpse of it before it vanishes. I really hate having to wait 20+ minutes for my righ…
