
Search "user:LanceFairfield"

32 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Not showing the percentile in the rating perf tab#23

Thank you lichess for not fixing this bug yet. I have lost many rating points over the past few days. I am grateful for not being able to see where my percentile went too when I had dipped back down t…

Lichess Feedback - Not showing the percentile in the rating perf tab#19

Bumping this to see if someone answers as the night time server restart from the other night ("lichess will restart in x minutes" type things) that occurred does not appear to have fixed it.

Lichess Feedback - Not showing the percentile in the rating perf tab#17

@chuigda said in #15: > Actually it's here: > > Seems it has been fixed so marked as closed now. I think the next time Lichess server updates and restarts the …

Lichess Feedback - Can't turn on engine analysis#8

Updating did not work as I am already on the latest chrome version. Disabling addons also did not help, although I never had anything that should effect lichess anyways, and incognito would fix that s…

Lichess Feedback - Can't turn on engine analysis#6

@for_cryingout_loud said in #5: > try a different browser > try clearing your cache > try incognito mode Clearing cache and incognito don't fix it. It works on my who but that's a different version of…

Lichess Feedback - Can't turn on engine analysis#4

@EvilPyrokar said in #2: > Does it work without the NNUE turned on? Nope, just sits there and says "loading" for all eternity.

Lichess Feedback - Can't turn on engine analysis#1

Every time I click to turn on engine analysis after the opening (which is using evals previously saved to the cloud so it doesn't count) it just says "Stockfish 14+NNUE Loading engine ..." and then ne…

Community Blog Discussions - No More Excuses: Improve Your Chess Today!#13

@Sarciness said in #12: > Actually, I believe you are missing my point. My point is that playing longer games and doing hard chess work will help you to ingrain good chess habits. I do a 75+15 otb gam…

Community Blog Discussions - No More Excuses: Improve Your Chess Today!#11

@Sarciness said in #9: > "Even" in 15 + 10 games? > I know it may seem a long game in the internet age, but that is giving you on average less than 30s a move, so of course your brain is necessarily g…

Community Blog Discussions - No More Excuses: Improve Your Chess Today!#7

I've come to believe I'm simply too stupid. I'm simply blind and have neurons misfire in a game where consistency is key. It doesn't matter the time control, I simply overlook 1 move threats. It happe…
