
Search "user:alexur60"

17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - about some FIDE laws that some chess pages are unaware of#5

I mean that in ordinary chess tournaments you should never play black three times in a row.

General Chess Discussion - about some FIDE laws that some chess pages are unaware of#3

Is it permissible to play black three times in a row according to international chess rules (FIDE) and is there a concept of revenge?

General Chess Discussion - Hi my version of CT ART 6 is freezing can anyone help?#3

Probably a mismatch between the program and the operating system. I have similar problems quite often, but I have several computers and the program will work on some. Usually it works on Win XP and Wi…

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to get a CM title in two years?#44

I was a candidate for master for a child. And he confirmed this discharge several times. I did not become a candidate master in two years, but in the USSR in the early 70s it was almost impossible if …

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to get a CM title in two years?#41

Maybe. But to do this, you will need to study many classical games (and/or books on chess strategy), build and study an opening repertoire, know the basics of the endgame and have appropriate tactical…

General Chess Discussion - The site is very slow#4

You may have a Windows update or connection problems.

General Chess Discussion - What if I never get better at chess?#6


General Chess Discussion - Friend#2

Subscribe to a player. 4 button on the right in the profile. A raised finger.

Lichess Feedback - Invisible board, some pieces visible#2

In my Google Chrome browser, white spots often began to appear on the screen (I have a dark background) it is difficult to play. Firefox is fine.

Lichess Feedback - Is there a way to know who is following me on lichess?#4

Lichess talks very strangely. It seems to me that when followers are hidden, it allows you to covertly do bad things to a certain player, for example, play against him using computer prompts. What is …
