
Search "user:zwenna"

34 forum posts
Game analysis - why this is draw?#2

The game notation says "Threefold repetition", if you look closely you can see that the same position occurred after 21...g6, 25...Rb8 and 27...Rab2. See

Lichess Feedback - Is this puzzle's rating correct?#7

I looked at the puzzle, solved it, and I do not understand your question.

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Notation#5 Note the rook on f6 which could have moved to f8 instead of the other one.

Game analysis - Lost to worstfish#4

The following game seems to be the quickest self-mate against worstfish yet, just seven moves.

Lichess Feedback - Will Norway Chess be broadcast here this year?#4

A bit late, but Norway Chess has been announced now. Will be a very interesting event, also great that there is a Women's section…

Lichess Feedback - Blank board#7

@mkubecek said in #6: > IIRC it should be under the settings (the cogwheel icon), together with zen mode and others. Maybe it used to be there at some point, but currently it is not. Rather one has to…

General Chess Discussion - Hikaru Nakamura's Hilarious Reaction To Levon Aronian's Game, Gibraltar#6

@ohcomeon_1 said in #5: > As much as it is funny (very funny actually :-)), it is borderline cheating. He's pretty much telegraphing his opinion of the position to Levon's opponent. Well, the nature o…

Community Blog Discussions - Should I Play 1.d4?#7

Thanks for sharing these ideas, Max. Here are my 2¢: after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5, sophisticated Benoni players know about the idea to play an early e4 without Nc3 and delay the exchange on d5…

Lichess Feedback - Players disconnects after early blunder#22

@mkubecek said in #21: > Not half an hour after writing comment #19, I stumbled upon this blog: > > In particular its second sectio…

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect puzzle #YAvd4#2

Yep, Rf1 is curtains as Black cannot stop both Rf3 and Ra2 with mate on the h-file to follow. I wonder how this fell through, since even engines from the last century easily find it. It is also the mo…
