
Suggestion for lichess players.

Mr. neverness...The forum post "lets play the connection game" derailed long long long ago and you are definitely ...mostly to blame for that never ending post. I recall some time back...that I asked if there were any conclusions or some kind of determinable connection...and knowone had an answer...I know you have been keeping that post going..just to bother me. lol :]
#13 → I'm keeping that thread going, yes. But I don't think I have 'derailed it from its rules', have I? Also, as a trans person, I don't like to be called 'Mr' – when I'm misgendered I do not freak out, though.
A specific address would be really useful too,right?
Just in case anyone is dirtily flagged...
Just an advice: use instead of google maps. Open street map has the same philosophy as lichess: it provides you with high-quality service for free, and it's supported by enthusiasts all over the world.
Refrain from using google products, cause google is a Big Brother.
@tangibletremor Thanks for the link. I will try that.

After playing a game against someone from Purwokerto, Indonesia I explored his city with google maps (aka Big Brother). It's a very interesting small city. Using my mouse as a car I was able to drive everywhere. I noticed there seem to more motorcycles than cars. Several motorcycles were driven by young women. There was an amazing number of stores. Lots of vegetation by the houses. I really like my way of learning about the world.
Sounds cool BobC.
Is young women driving motorcycles in some way strange where you are from?
@#20 "Is young women driving motorcycles in some way strange where you are from?"

No, I've seen them here in Florida but in Purwokerto, Indonesia it seems like the lady motorcyclists are much more numerous and I think that's a good thing.

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