
What was your inspiration for your lichess username?

@Dukedog said in #22:
> @cloak455
> I've told this story before but I guess I can do it again. My username Dukedog is a memorial for my dog Duke. He was just such a good boy, boxer and bloodhound and a big old boy. Everyone loved him and he loved everyone. Best friend, companion, fishing and camping buddy, we went everywhere and were always together, long walks everyday and we were close as a man and his dog could be.
> Well Duke developed brain cancer, seizures,went blind. Man it was so hard to deal with.
> Eventually I had to have him put down, he was suffering and I had to do the right thing even though it hurt so much.
> I held him while he died.
> Yeah,I know it's depressing but someday I know we'll go for a walk again.
> Me and my Duke dog walking off into the sunset together.

Sorry to hear about Duke, I know it sucks.

2 weeks ago Friday I had the same experience with my cat. He was FIV positive and had developed a brain tumor. Had seizures, lost weight, and finally that morning he was no longer able to enjoy any part of life. Made it to barely 7 years old, and his litter-mate sister had lost the battle to Leukemia last Sept. William Powell and Myrna Loy were the inspiration for their names . (The Thin Man 1940s comedy movies about an alcoholic private detective couple). RIP Willie and Myrna... The house is not the same.
I have a love for dubious openings and gambits so the worst opening in existence with exception of the grob had to be chosen

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