
Win a chessboard signed by Magnus Carlsen

I also missed day 1, had some trouble with day 3 but solved it, and I found day 2 pretty easy. It's so easy to see that you can't take all the pieces in time and then you think about the pin and from then on it's an easy solve. So 2/3. But I'm pretty worried about how difficult they're gonna get if I see what the difficult puzzles from last years were :)

I also want to ask, can we submit our own compositions? I know this has happened before, that a lichess user composed a problem for this and it got used.

I also want to ask, do we also get a piece set with the board or is it just the board? And how many winning lots are there?
4th one is so hard omg ><
ah ducking finally found it, took maybe an hour
This is so cool and fun. The entire concept and the execution where a new puzzle comes up every day. I am having a blast, so thanks for all of it.
1: Very Easy
2: Easy-Middle
3: Middle
4: Hard
@lecw said in #25:
> 4th one is so hard omg ><
> ah ducking finally found it, took maybe an hour

Wow yeah, I'll also need to take some time for that one :)

8 moves is easy, but 6? No way! I'll still need to find it :)
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