
Lichess puzzle is wrong.

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Nxd7 Bxf4 is right, however after Qxf4, Black is not forced to take the Queen, and can simply take the Knight on d7 with its bishop, regaining the material and supressing the mate threat.
Hi, the solution is Nxd7 Bxf4 NxQ BxQ NxR That's where the puzzle ends and it looks very clear.
@mr225415 there is an in-built option where you can turn on the engine. You could have just turned the engine on, tried the move you thought was best, and then been shown how the engine refutes it. It is a really nice tool and I use it often too, when I dont see how my move wrong.
I think, lichess puzzles are not wrong, but:
very often the reaction of the opponent is not the best possible move.
Another problem for me is: my solution is not as fast as the official solution. That's true. But my solution leads to a situation I can master. The official solution very often leads to a very complex situation I simply don't want to play.
And the third point: all puzzles know only one official solution. This is not the reality on the board!!
There is nearly always a second possible move to win the match.
So I would suggest: if somenone finds the best and official move: full points! If he or she finds the second possible move: half points. Really wrong because it leads to a worse position: zero Points. This would be fair in my opinion.
Puzzles are to look for the best move, often tactical or transitionally superior... know that in a game the best move doesn't necessarily have to be found for a win. I don't see anything wrong with the lichess puzzle system.

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