
I need someone to train me in openings.

I got advice from a pro and they said that my foresight is impeccable. But they also said that I need to work on my openings. And if I do, I will be UNSTOPPABLE MUAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
@Coolname5823 said in #1:
> I got advice from a pro and they said that my foresight is impeccable. But they also said that I need to work on my openings. And if I do, I will be UNSTOPPABLE MUAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
I can help if you want. I may not be the best chesser, but I can help. I'm not sure if I want you to be unstoppable... but I would be willing to let you ig.
@dstne said in #2:
> I can help if you want. I may not be the best chesser, but I can help. I'm not sure if I want you to be unstoppable... but I would be willing to let you ig.
I am looking for the best chesser. And confident to help me. Not "ig"
@Coolname5823 said in #3:
> I am looking for the best chesser. And confident to help me. Not "ig"

I can confidently say that I can help you. I can not confidently say that I am the best chesser tho.
Lichess has really great resources. Under the “Learn” section there is another called “Study”. This is going to be the best place to learn openings and theory without working one on one. These are community made courses so not all are equal. Look for studies that many people have liked. It’s also a lot better on PC than mobile.

All that being said these are the first openings you should learn from both the white and black sides -
Spanish game (also called Ruy Lopez)
French defense
Caro Kann
London system
Indian defenses

There are of course many many more than this but these are the openings you will see the most often and are a great place to start. For now, just pick one and work on it!
@Thekut said in #6:
> Lichess has really great resources. Under the “Learn” section there is another called “Study”. This is going to be the best place to learn openings and theory without working one on one. These are community made courses so not all are equal. Look for studies that many people have liked. It’s also a lot better on PC than mobile.
> All that being said these are the first openings you should learn from both the white and black sides -
> Spanish game (also called Ruy Lopez)
> Italian
> French defense
> Caro Kann
> London system
> Nimzo
> English
> There are of course many many more than this but these are the openings you will see the most often and are a great place to start. For now, just pick one and work on it!
Thanks :)
Simply buy more courses. I've heard especially in that rating range they bring the most benefit.

Hanging pieces is completely irrelevant if you cannot play the first 45 moves of the Berlin correctly.