
Thinkabit use chess engine?

When I was in high school there was a kid in my year who had spent far too long studying one of the hard styles of karate (Shotokan, I think). Being both a teenager, somewhat adept at breaking things (and people) and more than a little bit arrogant; he and his mates from his dojo would go to other dojos with weaker students and sign up as new students. They would spend the first week or two pretending to be clumsy and weak, then when they were finally allowed to spar with the others they would kick the crap out of them. Inevitably this resulted in the senseii at the dojo kicking them out and banning them from returning.

I find it difficult to believe that this sort of thing only happens in the world of martial arts. Whether the explanation is a bot with one or more chess engines or an undercover IM, I have no idea, but in this case lichess was the friendly dojo with weaker players.
Hey, look at Lance Armstrong, he wasn't caught for ages.
Yes Hasimir, that is a very old tactic. A trick I used to do sometimes was play a 1 minute game and move the pieces very slowly at the beginning to seem like I am a slow player.

Regardless of whether thinkabit was cheating, I'm sure his inflated rating gave him a huge psychological edge.
What are the reasons for accusing thinkabit as a cheater?
yes it's so strange,thinkabit was the first in lichess and now his cuont is closed,why?And who said he is a cheater,and he used computer...i REALLY WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!!
i'm sick on tired to cheater like first we loosed on rated and we foret a lot of time..It's shame.
Just read the thread where you post, and you'll get the answers to your questions.

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