
Time Zone change for users?

IS lichess all set to one time zone? because mine is pretty different. so when looking at activity, the games per day aren't the actual games I have played that day. it basically stops halfway through my day.

Any way to change? suggestion for user setting adjustments?>
I think Lichess uses UTC (World time) rather than local time zones to determine activity per day for all users.
Make sure your internal clock is set correctly. If it's wrong that often messes things up.
yes my computer clock is correct, but if like mentioned it runs on World time, then that wouldn't matter either. whats the best place to make that suggestion for future features?
same thing here. the games I play on a Monday are listed as some on Monday, and some on Tuesday. (one example) Is there a way to set the lichess page to keep track of how many games a day according to my local time zone?
You can see how many games you played by going to your profile page.

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