
The Master Plan

So far i think that the best is not rushing but like start socializing more with her

Oh, and if they send you like any team project make sure to enter her group
@Banzai9 said in #51:
> So far i think that the best is not rushing but like start socializing more with her
> Oh, and if they send you like any team project make sure to enter her group
I’m not sure if PE is gonna have a lot of group projects besides sitting and doing absolutely nothing the whole class.
@dstne said in #54:
> so the plan is to give her access to your account? Good idea.
What hell nah, I use the same password for 90% of my accounts
@LordSupremeChess said in #55:
> What hell nah, I use the same password for 90% of my accounts

lol, I used to do that. I only use the same username now.
@dstne said in #56:
> lol, I used to do that. I only use the same username now.
Bruh, same (though I keep losing the MasterLDH username on my gaming websites)
Guys hear me out: m'lord needs to go to the havrizz and get a degree in quantum rizzicks and then use his rizzler powers on this unsuspecting girl.
@LordSupremeChess said in #58:
> Bruh, same (though I keep losing the MasterLDH username on my gaming websites)

dstne is almost never taken for some reason.

@LordSupremeChess said in #57:
> @dstne Read the one about the clubs, then tell me what it says

you want to start a domino club and a chess club next year. That may mean that you are less active on this community tho.

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