
Who will take care (be in charge) of Lichess after Thibault (Lichess founder) dies?

@Akbar2thegreat said in #30:
> Exactly.
> Thibault got a boon by God that if he forever keeps his chess website free, then he is immortal!
It's more likely this is his eternal purgatory and he gets punished if he doesn't do his duty
@MrPushwood said in #10:
> Erik will buy the place and turn it into condominiums.

Sorry I found this funny, but for who ever Erik might be. Now curious who is that? (the reference eludes me).
@Akbar2thegreat said in #30:
> Exactly.
> Thibault got a boon by God that if he forever keeps his chess website free, then he is immortal!
No, he's probably a French vampire.

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